Episode 28: Emergent Processing - Unraveling Patterns Created New Experiences With Mum

January 18, 2023 00:44:24
Episode 28: Emergent Processing - Unraveling Patterns Created New Experiences With Mum
I Make a Difference
Episode 28: Emergent Processing - Unraveling Patterns Created New Experiences With Mum

Jan 18 2023 | 00:44:24


Show Notes

Hi, I’m Melinda

I facilitate and guide true self and soul adventurers to make meaning of their past, know how to unravel and heal the hold their past has on them and how to navigate their way back to reconnecting to who they truly are – their true self.

I Make a Difference is a process that provides insight into the journey you have traveled to this point. How you separated from your soul self and became your human self. What is required to unravel and heal your human self, and the pathway back to reconnecting to your true self.

Dive Into And Explore IMAD Resources To Elevate Awareness, Expand Understanding And Express More Of Your True Self

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You can continue to live with emotional pain and hurt, the limiting and confusing thoughts you are aware of, and the ones you are not aware of, the controlled, unnatural, and reactive behaviors, situations that you do not like, that are not right for you and you wish were different and have your past continue to control you.


You can dive into you and unravel the parts of you that are not you, heal the emotions that have been controlling you and uncover the beautiful, natural and powerful you – the true you.


The I Make a Difference Processes And Resources Can Guide You There


The I Make a Difference Adventure

FROM CONDITIONED YOUNo matter what your age is, your gender, culture or background, life does not discriminate as to who will experience emotional, mental, physiological and energy craziness and mayhem. Processing that goes on inside of you that is confusing, overwhelming at times and can even leave you feeling quite desperate. This is the conditioned and hurt you. And you find yourself asking and even internally screaming “what is it that is happening to me?”, “why am I experiencing this?” and “how do I stop the hurt?” and “how do I change the conditioning? TO THE TRUE YOUHowever there is also a jewel within you, a place that is filled with strength, gentleness, beauty, acceptance, simplicity, stillness and an abundance of love. This is you, the true you. You find you are curious and want to know who truly are, what is true and right for you, how to connect and listen to the answers you know you have inside of you and how to be you. “Since I participated in the I Make a Difference programme I believe it has had an amazing impact on my life. I am a better person, my marriage is so strong and my relationship with my children is fantastic. I have been able to let people who I care about get close to me and I have been able to talk to them. For the first time I have discussed with people close to me, some of the feelings, sensitivities, and needs that I have. I have acknowledged to myself that I can enjoy life more by sharing more of me with others instead of being closed off. I feel less influenced by external events in terms of my reactions to things, events and adversities.” James “It is a personal development program that allows you the space and time to look in and discover, connect with the person you want to be, have been and really are. It provides you with the tools to make change in your life once you have highlighted your areas for development or growth. It is done in an environment that is safe and respectful, with people who are accepting and truthful.” Sarah “The IMAD experience allowed me to see the situations in my life that had an emotional and mental impact on my confidence and self-esteem.  I was empowered by the dedication and leadership of the program to facilitate my personal development and to never lose sight of who I am and where I have come from.  IMAD really understood the people they were working with.” Deb Dollard “Taking part in IMAD was an edifying and inspiring experience personally and professionally. The program helped me to take stock of my experiences, assess my strengths and challenges, clarify my goals and troubleshoot road blocks to success. Melinda Cates’ facilitation was brilliant; – incisive, intelligent and yet deeply caring and supportive; all necessary ingredients to effect positive change. The GMAD and IMAD models were inspiring because they reinforced to me the power of personal development within a range of business models and particularly recruitment and HR. I went on to continue my career in the Arts as a Vocal Consultant, with stints in Community Development project work, Event Management and Retail Fashion. IMAD gave me the confidence to always keep personal development at the heart of my projects and work which has enabled me to make a difference in all my endeavors; personally, professionally, culturally and commercially.” Susie Farrugia “For me personally I would describe the program as confronting and empowering. I chose to think about issues and events in my life that I have been avoiding for a long time. This was confronting for me because I am so used to portraying that everything in my life is fine and that I have everything under control and that things don’t affect me. I found the program empowering as it allowed me to identify incidents in my life that have shaped me into the person I am and how I can work through some of these issues to help myself and therefore the way I relate and interact with people in my life. It has made me consciously aware of the thoughts and feelings I’m having and why I am having them and also the impact it has on others. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to attend this program and while I can certainly identify that I have a lot further to go, at least I am taking a proactive step in the right direction. “ Nicola Previous Next

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