Episode 7: Emergent Processing; The Gifts Gained From Health Issues

Episode 7 July 24, 2021 00:24:49
Episode 7: Emergent Processing; The Gifts Gained From Health Issues
I Make a Difference
Episode 7: Emergent Processing; The Gifts Gained From Health Issues

Jul 24 2021 | 00:24:49


Show Notes

This week’s podcast nearly did not happen, as I have had the flu all week. And what a gift that turned out to be in my processing.

I had an expectation I had to do this week’s podcast, and that I had to continue on with the next step in the journey, but hey when it is not meant to happen it does not happen. But what did happen, was the surfacing of a new addition to the podcast process – emergent processing. This is the first of many ‘Emergent Processing’ episodes I will be doing in amongst journeying the human experience with you.

What this means, is that I will at times do an emergent processing episode where I share with you what my processing has been during that day or week. And in this week’s episode, with having the flu, my focus was drawn to looking at all the times in my life (or the significant ones at least) when I have not been well. In doing so, I acknowledged I have previously viewed, explored, and dug deep into these situations many times before, but not from the perspective I was viewing them from this time. Out of this process, came new insights, discoveries, and distinctions and that is what I share in this episode.


  • I share with you the process that led me to do this ‘Emergent Processing’ episode
  • Clarity is given as to what emergent processing is
  • I share how being ill with the flu, gave me the opportunity to view my physically ill and impacting experiences through different eyes, and what I discovered, uncovered, unraveled, and healed in the process.
I look forward to the adventure with you as we unravel, heal and uncover together to make a difference to who we are

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