Episode 3: My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure

Episode 3 June 19, 2021 00:25:46
Episode 3: My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure
I Make a Difference
Episode 3: My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure

Jun 19 2021 | 00:25:46


Show Notes

Your soul made decisions, as to the nature of the human experience you would have in this lifetime.
Decisions that would assist your human self on the journey of evolvement to bring your soul and true self fully present and expressed in a human body, where you are fully conscious, seeing and knowing the truth, and are pure.

In this episode, we will explore the key areas your soul made decisions around and why, prior to returning to the human body. Through being aware of the decisions you made, you have an opportunity to embrace every painful, uncomfortable, joyful, and magical experience that you have had and are being offered, as they are gifts in the discovery and reconnection to you. You are able to accept more of who you are and the people and processes that you have chosen to be conditioned and impacted by, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and energy-wise. And you are able to appreciate more the people and processes that have shown, shared, and given you love, care, help, friendship, and nurturing. You become aware that every individual you have interacted with, has been valuable in your support of you on your journey to be able to see, feel, hear and uncover more of who you truly are and the expansion of your expression of the true you.   


You will:

  • Explore the six key processes that your soul made choices about for this human experience
  • Delve into the nature of the choices you made and the uniqueness of the process of each choice
  • Grow your understanding of why you chose whom you would journey with and what experiences you would have in this lifetime
  • Explore how you can identify some of the key choices you made as a soul, and the benefits of embracing the choices
I look forward to the adventure with you as we unravel, heal and uncover together to make a difference to who we are

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:03 The I make a difference podcast and adventure of exploration of your human self, the conditioned and unhealed parts of you and your true self, the natural, real, and powerful you a pathway. When you unravel heal and uncover on the journey back to you. Speaker 1 00:00:31 Welcome to the, make a difference podcast. I'm your host, Melinda kites. And then today's episode, we're going to start at the beginning. What it is that you decided when you were in soul form, that has the most powerful impact, influence, and power of what you experience in your lifetime. As a human being, how far you go in your involvement as a human, how much you will connect to your true self, what you will express, who you will meet and the adventures that she'll go on before I go there, though, something that has come up regularly for me recently, as the statement that the soul evolves, not quite sure what you're purchasing and thoughts are around it, but a question I want to pose to you is why would a soul need to evolve? And I asked that because our soul is perfect. Our soul is a bang of energy that is filled with light. Speaker 1 00:01:38 That is filled with knowing that is whole, that is full when nothing is lacking, our soul is nothing but purity and goodness. And a term you may want to use is it's godliness. So why would a soul need to evolve when it already is evolved? So that leads me to, it is a human self that goes through the process of evolvement and our earthly experience. But what influences that earthly experience and how far you will evolve and your human self is the choices your soul makes and puts its hand up for prior to you coming back onto this earth, there are a number of key things that your soul chooses. And one of the first things says is that we choose our parents. We choose our parents and the family that is attached to our parents. And firstly, we choose them for the experiences that they will give us whether those experiences are uncomfortable, painful, hurtful, or joyful, and expensive and beautiful. Speaker 1 00:02:56 And isn't it interesting that for some us, we go through periods of not accepting her parents and yet we chose them and we chose them for the purpose of actually being able to grow and evolve, have reference points of who we are and who we're not of what's right for us. And what's not right for us as our human self so that when we do connect to our soul, we're able to know and recognize it because of the rightness that it is. I know I chose both of my parents and I will say I chose wisely. My dad was an incredibly capable individual. However, due to his upbringing, he was impacted in many ways where he didn't express all of that potential. I had some initial time with him that was incredibly loving, but he was so focused on always being the center of everybody's affection. Speaker 1 00:03:58 And he was so charming and he was always wheeling and dealing and him and I ended up having an extremely volatile and abusive relationship, the experience of God and choosing my father as my father was one where I got to learn and know what anger is, what protection is, abandonment hurt, what violences, and especially what power is power that is driven by emotion that is used in a destructive way. And all of that Nabal may well, firstly, it actually sparked me to want to find out more about myself because I didn't like who I was. I was destructive. I was incredibly strong, but in a way that was protective rather than real, the beauty was, was being able to be spot to go looking for myself as a result of my father's behaviors, but not only that, but having the reference point of having experienced all of those uncomfortable and um, destructive behaviors and emotions, I was able to actually then see the difference and feel the difference when I accessed true and real power, which is very gentle, very grounded, incredible clarity, incredible strength in what you know, and it's unwavering, very different process to walk. Speaker 1 00:05:42 My father gifted me was all those painful experiences, but not only that, my father also gifted me experiences around seeing what alcoholism was like being a middle-income family, to having lots of money in a very expensive property he bought to having no money. So he gave me the experience of the process of what it's like to see different aspects and dimensions of life, a gift that possibly another parent wouldn't have given me. And that helped me to be able to relate to the number of different people that I've guided, helped, supported, and trained over the years. So even though I felt vitamin hate towards my father at one stage, I never reached a point where, Hey, I chose him and I chose some wisely because of what I gained from it. And I actually thank him and love him for it. I know I chose my mom because she exposed me to some of the avenues that initially guided me and supported me to be able to work through the conditioning and the hurt from my father and sent me on the journey to being able to open up more to myself, to discover more of my true self and who I really am say my mom and my teenage years expose me to astrology and interesting the power of astrology in our natal chart. Speaker 1 00:07:15 One of the big aspects of mine as the use of power part of my lifetime journey. So a choice I made and soul formed before I came back here and she exposed me to ashrams where August taught meditation. She exposed me to yoga. She exposed me to astral traveling and past life regressions. And at the time that she was exposing me to all of these things, oh, and I forgot Cal young Krishna Maltese readings. Um, and also things like the self-esteem prophecy, inshallah Maclean's book, some of the initial spiritual work that came out into society that made it more acceptable for people to take it on board. People would have thought I was fufu that it was hippie shit that I was into because it wasn't the norm. It was mysterious and had a mistake to it. And there were generalizations around and stigma around the type of people that were interested in those areas. Speaker 1 00:08:22 It looked at today, astrology is accepted and referred to by so many people. So many people on this earth now meditate daily. So many people are into yoga. So many people are interpersonal development. How times have changed. So we choose our parents because they will give us the gifts and our upbringing of experiences that help us discover who we are and who we're not. I said another effect included in our choice around our parents is that we choose the family that comes with it because they will still be interesting experiences of pain and uncomfortableness and hurt as well as joy and expectations and happiness and different dynamics. When you learn you'll grow and you'll experience. One of the key areas around the choice we make with our families is the common patterns that flow through the family because the common patterns are opportunities for you to actually change. Speaker 1 00:09:36 What has been an ongoing thing. That's gone from generation to generation that perhaps is not healthy. That's not natural and real to who we are and maybe it's even not right. And to give you an example of these is the common patterns of my parents and their families. My dad was born out of wedlock and in the era that he was born, that was frowned upon and not accepted. So he was actually adopted up and it wasn't long after that, that his biological parents actually got married and had two more sons. So my dad went through being abandoned because essentially in a lot of cases, for people who have been adopted up, they can feel abandoned by their biological parents. And my dad was rejected because that's how he viewed it and being adopted out my dad then, and this is very strange and interesting thing that happened. Speaker 1 00:10:38 My dad met his real biological mother when she turned up at his adoptive mother's funeral, their relationship did not last very long and it was quite volatile. So he went through the whole abandonment and rejection process again. But from what I understand is that she went through that with her own parents. So she experienced it. She did it to him and he experienced it. And when I was 18, it was about a year after my parents separated. My dad was with a new lady and I'll never forget these words that he, that was hit to me. Your dad has told me to tell you, you are no longer his daughter. And if you want to contact him, you contact him through a lawyer. So my dad predicted and abandoned me. I recognize that pattern and I made a commitment that there was no way that comic pattern that had gone on for those generations was going to continue beyond me. Speaker 1 00:11:47 There was no way I was going to have a child that would experience will be exposed to being rejected and abandoned as it is. I certainly am the last one in that comic pattern because I didn't have a child. That's not the reason why I didn't have a child. It just wasn't what was right for me in this lifetime. Now on my mother's side, my mother's father was the first biological child born in his family. And I say that because he actually had an older brother that was adopted and he was a Capricorn. And I'm not sure if this is true or not. From what our bank told was that he was hit by his father. My mother was the first born in her family and she's a Capricorn. And she was hit by her father. I'm the first born of my family and I'm a Capricorn and I was hit by my father. Speaker 1 00:12:47 So the comic pattern that has flowed through my mother's side, I yet, again, recognized it. And I made a commitment that there was no way that that experience was going to carry on beyond me and to any other generation. And as I've just told you, I have not had a child. So it has not continued beyond light generation. So you have an opportunity with the families. You have to recognize any common patterns that flow through your family, where you can change that and seated in this lifetime because in seating it, then you change the conditioning. You heal the hurt and you evolve as a human being. I'm working towards becoming your true self and operating from your soul. In addition to this, you also have patterns that will flow through in your family that are wonderful, amazing things as well. Some of them may be predispositions towards certain things, such as you might have sporting prowess or musical prowess or writing ability that flows through your family. Speaker 1 00:14:05 Those are abilities, experiences, and qualities to own, and know that they're part of the expression of who you truly are. Then we moved to and choosing your parents. You're also choosing predispositions towards certain things. So genetically I can be things like ADHD. It can be alcoholism, it can be certain diseases or health issues. And the more aware you are of those predispositions that flow through the family, the more you're going to be able to work with them, to change the pattern of them and change the outcomes of them and manage them differently. Those here to gain, give you insight into being able to express your true self more look at the different processes people use for healing these days, all part of our spiritual being that is coming to the full. That's not to say that traditional medicine isn't right, because it still has its place in as important. Speaker 1 00:15:13 My Nana, my mom's mom, she had a predisposition towards pneumonia and emphysema. And I remember her talking to me about it one day and her encouraging me to give up smoking. I always knew I wasn't going to be able to go cold Turkey, but I knew I would give up one day. I just had no idea how and I had an operation about 10 or 12 years ago actually was an exploratory that ended up as an operation was pretty horrendous. And I ended up in hospital for about four or five days. And the period of time I was in the hospital and various things started happening to my body. And so they sent me for a scan. And when I came, came back out of it, the doctor came and said to me, thank goodness you don't smoke. You have fluid on your lungs. It was those words. Speaker 1 00:16:08 You have fluid on your lungs that triggered my Nana's words, going through my head. And at that moment, I made a commitment that I was never going to smoke again. I did not deserve to go down the pathway of having emphasis Samia or pneumonia, and that I had the ability to change this right then and there. And I haven't touched a cigarette again, conveniently. I was so sick that I didn't actually want one, but it was part of the experience I chose so that I could consciously work with that predisposition and work on changing that whole process. We also choose before we come back into our human form, the country we're born in the race. We are the culture, the height, we are the shape of our body, the color of our eyes, the color of our hair, because all of those elements are going to result in you experiencing different beliefs, different experiences, different processes, and there will all be opportunities yet again, for you to evolve your human self and discover more about all the different things that the human life has to offer, that our opportunities are for us to evolve and grow. Speaker 1 00:17:34 When you recognize you made the choice to have this body and to be in the space, then what we do is we care for it more. We appreciate it more and we value it more because without your body, you're not on this earth and you're out on the opportunity to evolve more and become your true self. While you're in physical form, we choose our parents because of the environment that we grow up in, because that gives us all the conditioning that gives us a little is for healing, but it also gives us the reference points of where we have been connected to our true self. So we have a connection. We can go back to that. We can open up and strengthen again. We also bring all that past lives. And to this life, there are things we will have experience with other souls in previous lifetimes that need still to be completed, to be resolved. Speaker 1 00:18:29 You don't actually need to go back into your past lives, to be able to know what they are because they will unfold in this lifetime. But also there will be experiences that need completion that don't necessarily need to be with that same person that you experienced it within the past life, because it's your process, not the process of the two of you. So be aware and put out the intention that support me to resolve my past life areas that are not complaint and areas for growth, healing and evolvement in this lifetime, and be aware of all the opportunities around you for that to happen. Then the last area, soul agreements that we make prior to coming back to be on this human journey. Speaker 1 00:19:25 So there's a belief that we make solid agreement with significant people that are in our life. People who will cause us pain and hurt, or they will trigger pain and hurt that is already within us. But they agreed to do that prior to coming back here so that you would go through that experience so that the pain and hurt would surface so that you then could do something about it. Halo can play the wife, your true self to shine through. Then they were people who you had sole agreements with, who would walk beside you and support you in that healing process, support you in that unraveling process. The people who were reflect back to you, who you truly are, and what's within you. I believe everybody that we meet, we have a solid agreement with the person who smiles at you, that you don't know when you're not feeling quite right. Speaker 1 00:20:23 The person you give feedback to about how beautiful they look or what amazing service they gave you. All of those interactions were meant to be. They support the growth of people's self-worth the belief in themselves. They self-confidence. So when you can see that every single person you come across and with is there is a gift for you. Then imagine what to embrace. I want you to can receive and what you can give and share as well. I love that I chose to be me. So knowing that you, your true self and your soul made all of those choices prior to you coming back onto the surface prior to you taking human form, then how powerful is it to be able to know that and to see that every single experience you have, every single choice you make is exactly the ones you were meant to have in may as part of the journey and the adventure that you signed up for that you wanted to take on your evolution as a soul on a human adventure and process so that your human self could evolve. And so that your true self and soul could begin to shine through even more powerfully and a human body. Speaker 1 00:21:56 So I encourage you take some time ponder on why did you choose your parents? What are the gifts you've gained from them? What are some of the predispositions that you chose? What opportunities do you have with those predispositions? What are some of the common patterns on your mother's family side and on your father's family side, that you have an opportunity to make different, to change and to support them to say so that they don't continue on and other generations, or if the have continued on how can you support that next generation so that it ceases with them. What are the magical things about the country you chose to be born in the rice and the culture you chose to be the high chewer, the hair color, eye color, the body you have, what gifts, if you gained both painful and joyful from being your physical self and who are the key people you've made solid agreements with, how have they been of such value and worth in your life? Speaker 1 00:23:16 I know I can look back now. And every single person who did something to me that wasn't right, that triggered pain and hurting me. I chose that experience with them. And I thank them so much for fulfilling their part in that process and helping me get to where I am now, because they surfaced to me emotions and pain that needed healing. And without the experience with them may not have surfaced or may have surfaced later on. And I think every beautiful person that has walked beside me and supporting me, understanding me, being there for me, loving me, caring for me and reflecting back to me who I truly am, because without you, I would not have seen as much as I do. I would not have known as much as I do now as to who I truly am I doing encourage you yet again, if you want to drop me a line, send me an email at Melinda and I make a difference. Speaker 1 00:24:32 I met.com and share with me your insights, your processing, your thoughts, or your questions. I'd love to hear them. And if you want to ask me questions for me to explore an a podcast, I won't fully promise salvo because it depends on the nature of the question, et cetera, but I will come back to you and I will respond to you may make a beautiful and amazing difference to yourself and own the life you've been loving, remembering it's your human self that it's experiencing it. And your soul was there with you the whole way through it. And that you've made those choices to live the life you have, and how can you embrace and make the most of it even more so now, and your involvement as a human being and becoming a soul that is fully living, expressing an operating and a human body until next time, Hey, look forward to more unraveling, more hailing and more uncovering of the beauty of who you are.

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