Episode 13: Unraveling More Limiting Relationship Patterns Of Communication; Part Two

Episode 13 September 29, 2021 00:43:47
Episode 13: Unraveling More Limiting Relationship Patterns Of Communication; Part Two
I Make a Difference
Episode 13: Unraveling More Limiting Relationship Patterns Of Communication; Part Two

Sep 29 2021 | 00:43:47


Show Notes

Part Two of last week’s episode – involved the unraveling of more limiting relationship patterns of communication.

This week’s episode explores the ‘I am irrelevant’, the ‘hello’, ‘the lob’, and more. Patterns of communication that you are conditioned to be engaged in and where you are emotionally impacted and impacting on the other person. But you can change this.

You, and if the other person is receptive, have an opportunity to unwind what is familiar, unravel what is limiting, undo what is complex, and do something different. You can discover new, more expansive, simple, easy, and direct ways of communicating where there is a mutual exchange of free-flowing energy and connection.

Your relationships can flourish. And you can continue to free yourself of your suppression and protection shackles, what you do not deserve, and strengthen that connection to your true self, your soul-self.


You will:

  • Continue to explore the processes of the next five limiting relationship patterns of communication
  • Delve into why you and others contribute to these patterns and continue them on
  • Explore the impacts on your communication, each other’s self-worth and your relationships
  • Explore how you can unravel these patterns and approach the pattern differently to make a difference to you, the other person, your interactions, and your relationships
I look forward to the adventure with you as we unravel, heal and uncover together to make a difference to who we are

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